Soft Gel Capsules

Soft Gel Capsules

Sr. No. Category Composition Functional Category
1 Calcium, Zinc, Vit K2-7, Methylcobalamin and L-Methyl Folate Soft Gel Capsules Calcium 200 mg Calcium Suppliment
Zinc 7.5 mg
Vit K2-7 45 mcg
Vit B12 1 mcg
Magnesium 50 mg
L-Methyl Folate 100 mcg
2 Omega 3 fatty acid, Calcium Carbonate, Folic Acid, Vit B12 and Boron Soft Gel Capsules Calcium Carbonate 500 mg Calcium Suppliment
Omega 3 fatty acid 150 mg
Folic Acid 100 mcg
Vit B12 1 mcg
Boron 1.5 mg
3 Omega 369 Soft Gelatin Capsules Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil) 150 mg Cholesterol, BP, General Anti-Oxidant function suggested in above age 50
4 Omega 3 fatty acid, Co-Enzyme Q10, L-Arginine and Selenium soft gel capsules Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil) 150 mg Cholesterol, BP, General Anti-Oxidant function suggested in above age 50
Co-Enzyme Q10 100 mg
L-Arginine 100 mg
Selenium 40 mcg
5 Omega 3 fatty acid, Co-Enzyme Q10, Zinc, Folic Acid and Selenium soft gel capsules Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil) 150 mg Cholesterol, BP, General Anti-Oxidant function suggested in above age 50
Co-Enzyme Q10 100 mg
Zinc 7.5 mg
Selenium 40 mcg
Folic Acid 100 mcg
6 Omega 3 fatty acid, Co-Enzyme Q10, Multivitamin and Multimineral soft gel capsules Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil) 150 mg Cholesterol, BP, General Anti-Oxidant function suggested in above age 50
Co-Enzyme Q10 100 mg
Vit C 40 mg
Vit A 2000 IU
Folic Acid 100 mcg
Vit B6 1 mg
Vit E 10 mg
Copper 1 mg
Selenium 40 mcg
Chromium 33 mcg
Manganese 2 mg
Zinc 7.5 mg
7 Omega 369 Soft Gelatin Capsules Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg Cholesterol, BP, General Anti-Oxidant function suggested in above age 50
Cod liver oil 300 mg
8 Omega 3 fatty acids, Green Tea Extract, Ginko Biloba Extract, Ginseng, Grape Seed Extract, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals & Trace Elements Softgel Capsules Grape seed extract 15 mg Cardiovascular suppliment and general supplement
Green Tea Extract 10 mg
Ginkobiloba extract 10 mg
Ginseng 42.5 mg
Omega 3 fatty acid oil 250 mg
Wheat Germ Oil 25 mg
Piperine 5 mg
Lutein (10%) 250 mcg
Choline 25 mg
Citrus Bioflavonoids 40% 20 mg
Natural Mixed Carotenoids10% 11.3 mg
Lactic Acid Bacillus 83 mg
Vitamin C 45 mg
Vit D3 200 IU
Vit K2-7 10 mcg
Vit B1 1.5 mg
Vit B3 20 mg
Vit B6 1 mg
Vit B7 30 mcg
Folic Acid 150 mcg
Vit B12 1 mcg
Zinc 10 mg
Calcium 20 mg
Iron 30 mg
Potassium 150 mcg
Chloride 4 mg
Magnesium 30 mg
Manganese 1.5 mg
Copper 500 mcg
Selenium 20 mcg
Chromium 65 mcg
Molybdenum 25 mcg
Silicon 2 mg
Boron 150 mcg
9 Omega 3 fatty acid, Asthaxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Beta carotene, Multivitamin and Multiminerals soft gel capsule Omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil) 150 mg For Eye
Zeaxanthin 10 mg
Asthaxanthin 10% 10 mg
Beta carotene 10% 6000 IU
Lutein 8% 50 mg
Vitamin C 40 mg
Vit E 10 mg
Alpha lipoic acid 50 mg
Rutin 10 mg
Bilberry Extract 25 mg
Ginkobiloba extract 10 mg
L-Glutathione 5 mg
Vit B1 1.1 mg
Vit B2 1.2 mg
Vit B6 2 mg
Zinc Oxide 15 mg
Manganese 5 mg
Copper 1000 mcg
Selenium 40 mcg
10 Cod Liver Oil with Vit A and vit E soft gel capsules Cod liver oil 300 mg High concentration of Vit A and Vit E. Suggested during growing up age and old age. Also for supple skin
Vit A 1250 IU
Vit E 135 IU
11 Curcumin with Piperine Soft Gel capsules Curcumin Extract 250 mg Joint pain. Immunity Booster
Piperine 5 mg
12 Lutein, Lycopene, Grape Seed, B-complex and selenium Soft Gel Capsules Grape seed extract 25 mg Multivitamin specifically for skin and eyes
Lutein 8% 3 mg
Lycopene 6% 10 mg
Vit B1 0.9 mg
Vit B2 0.9 mg
Vit B6 0.97 mg
Vit A Palmitate 630 mcg
Folic Acid 200 mcg
Vit B12 1 mcg
Zinc 12 mg
Selenium 40 mcg
13 Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Beta carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Multivitamin and Multimineral soft gel capsules Betacarotene 10% 5.17 mg Multivitamin specifically for skin and eyes
Lutein 8% 2 mg
Lycopene 10% 6 mg
Green Tea Extract 200 mg
Grape Seed Extract 15 mg
Vit B1 1.2 mg
Vit B2 1.3 mg
Vit B6 1.3 mg
Vit C 50 mg
Vit B12 750 mcg
Niacinamide 10 mg
Folic Acid 400 mcg
Vit E 15 mg
Manganese 1 mg
Copper 0.9 mg
Selenium 35 mcg
14 Evening Primrose Oil Soft Gel Capsule Evening Primrose Oil 500/1000 mg Menstruation cramps. PMS, Mood elevator for women during periods, menopause, breast pain
15 Wheat Germ Oil Soft Gel Capsules Wheat Germ Oil 400 mg Natural source of Vit E. Good for skin
16 Evening Primrose Oil and Tocotrienols Soft Gel Capsules Evening Primrose Oil 500 mg Reduces the risk of Breast Cancer. · Also treat Fibrocystic Breast Disease. · Treat Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). · Also work in Eczema, Acne, . Psoriasis & Atopic Dermatitis.
Tocotrienols 30 mg
17 Evening Primrose Oil and Vit E Soft Gel Capsules Evening Primrose Oil 400 mg Skin
Vit E 400 IU
18 Omega 3 fatty acids, Green Tea Extract, Ginko Biloba Extract, Ginseng, Grape Seed Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Garlic, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals & Trace Elements Softgel Capsules 4G - - Vitamin suppliment
Garlic Powder 10 mg
Ginger Root Extract 10 mg
19 Omega 3 fatty acids, Green Tea Extract, Ginko Biloba Extract, Ginseng, Grape Seed Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Garlic, Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Guggul, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals & Trace Elements Softgel Capsules 6G - - Vitamin suppliment
Green Coffee Bean Extract 10 mg
Glycyrrhiza Glabra 10 mg
Guggul 5 mg